Filth's First Month
It has been just over a month since we launched Filth Mobile Waterless Car Cleaning and frankly, we are very upbeat about our business, vision and the job we have done so far. So, as we take stock at Filth HQ, we wanted to share our thoughts and learnings from our first month...
We didn’t really know what to expect in terms of how much time/effort we would need to put in, the ability for our tech platform to perform and more importantly people’s perception of what we are trying to achieve.
First thing we found out is that people love our idea and our story. Something good has to come out of the pandemic and for us, it seemed to be the perfect time to put pub talk into action. It’s by no means a new idea in the marketplace but having seen the competition, our vision is simple and we have passion in abundance.
Our name is playful, doesn’t allow us to take ourselves too seriously and people can’t stop talking about it. We have been asked if we sell our branded merchandise, to park our bikes away from prying neighbours, to all out “we love your name”! The branded merchandise is something we're looking into.
Our equipment and product range are standing up to serious scrutiny. We have had to amend some of our tool line up to get rid of tar deposits and those nasty bug splatters but we think we are now there.
We are constantly being asked about a subscription model and this is something we have now put in place. It's fairly simple, the more you book, the more you save. Get in touch if this is something you are interested in.
All in all folks, as we crack on into month two, it has been a whirlwind of a ride and we are in the process of interviewing more people to add to the team and join Ben, Filth employee number one! Watch out for our self-made 'Filthy Movie' VLOGs soon… we'll give you something to laugh at for sure.
To book your car in for a convenient and eco-friendly waterless clean, head over to our bookings page.